All Amplemarket CRM Fields

  • Updated

Setting up a CRM integration can be confusing at times so we have compiled a list of all the Amplemarket field mappings and their meanings. The two sections in this article will either refer to the information of an individual lead/contact that we are sequencing or the company/account information.



  • First Name: This will populate the first name of the lead or contact we have connected with. 
  • Last Name: Will push the last name of the lead or contact we have connected with.
  • Email: Will populate the email address of the lead or contact we are pushing. 
  • Title: Will push the Title of the lead or contact we have pushed. 
  • Industry: This will push the industry that the lead or contact is currently working in. 
  • Mobile Number: If we have the cell phone number of a lead or contact it will be pushed as the mobile number. 
  • Phone number: This field is slightly different than the mobile number as it refers to the fact that we are unaware if this is a mobile, work, or home phone number. 
  • Manually added Number: If we have a lead or contact in Amplemarket who did not have a phone number originally attached to them and we add a phone number manually, it will be pushed under this field. 
  • Work Number: This field will only push a lead or contacts phone number of we know that this is a work or office phone number. 
  • LinkedIn URL: This mapping will push all the Linkedin URL of the lead or contact we are pushing to the CRM. 
  • City: This field will push the city our contact or lead is currently living in to our CRM. 
  • State: This field will push the state our contact or lead is currently living. Please note that this field will most likely not populate for leads/contacts who are living outside if the U.S. and Canada as these other regions do not have formal states. 
  • State Code: This field will push the abbreviated state name that the contact or leads lives in to your CRM. For example if we push a lead from New York, their state code would be NY. 
  • Country: The country field will push the country our lead or contact currently resides in to the CRM. 
  • Country Code: This field will send the abbreviated country name of our lead/contact to the CRM. e.g. a lead residing in the United States would have the country code US pushed. 
  • Company name: This mapping will push the name of the company to our CRM. 
  • Sequence name: This mapping pushes the name of the sequence our lead/contact was added to into our CRM. 
  • User email: This field will push the email of the Amplemarket user who connected with the lead or contact to the CRM. 
  • Salesforce user: This field is very similar in the sense that it pushes information about the user who initially connects with out lead/contact. The difference between these two fields is that Salesforce user is pushed by a unique Salesforce ID and cannot be changed while the user email can be edited in the future. This field is not applicable to those using CRM's other than Salesforce. 
  • Email bounced: This field will inform you on whether or not an email sent to our lead/contact bounced or not. 
    Label: This field pushed the automatically or manually applied Amplemarket label to our CRM.
  • Sequence starting date: This mapping pushes the starting date of the sequence that we added our lead or contact to. 
  • Customer profile name: Will tell you which List or Saved Search the lead or contact was added to before being entered into a sequence. 
  • Unsubscribed: This field will tell you whether or not your lead or contact unsubscribed from your emails. 
  • Last sequence email opens: This field mapping will push the amount of times that our lead or contact opened the emails sent in our sequence. 
  • Last sequence replied: This mapping will tell us whether or not a lead or contact replied to our sequence. 
  • Meeting booked: This mapping tells us whether or not a meeting was booked with our lead or contacted. 
  • Sender first name: This field populates the first name of the Amplemarket user who added our lead or contact to a sequence. 
  • Sender last name: This mapping populates the last name of the Amplemarket user who added the lead or contact to the sequence. 
  • Sender phone number: Will push the phone number of the Amplemarket user who added this lead or contact to a sequence. 
  • Sender calendar link: Will populate the calendar link of the Amplemarket user who started this lead or contact in a sequence. 
  • Sequence template tags: When creating a sequence template we have the ability to add tags, some people use this to indicate the industry they are reaching out to or the sales rep who is supposed to reach out. This field will push the tags added to the sequence template that was sent to our lead/contact. 
  • Sequence status: This field will tell us if the sequence this lead or contact was added to is active or not. 
  • Sourced Number: This field refers to numbers that were added to Amplemarket via upload, so if we had a lead list on a CSV and uploaded this to Amplemarket those phone numbers will be pushed as sourced numbers. 
  • Notes: This field will push any notes attached to our lead or contact to the CRM. Please note that this does not refer to the 'generic task' stages that we can add to a sequence template but rather refers to any note that we added on the leads contact page in Amplemarket. 



  • Company name: Will push the name of the company that our lead or contact works for. 
  • Domain: Will push the domain of the company that we are reaching out to. 
  • Industry: This mapping will push the industry that the account participates in. 
  • Company Size: This field will populate the amount of employees that work for a company. Please note that this field does not provide an exact amount, but provides a range of employees such as 500-1000. 
  • Company LinkedIn URL: This field will push the Linkedin URL of the company that we are reaching out to, to the CRM. 
  • Company City: This field pushes the city that the company we are reaching out to is located in. 
  • Company State: This field pushed the state that the company operates out of into our CRM. Please note that this field will most likely not populate for leads/contacts who are living outside if the U.S. and Canada as these other regions do not have formal states. 
  • Company State Code: This field will push the abbreviated state name that the company operates out of to your CRM. For example if we push an account from New York, their state code would be NY.
  • Company Country: This field pushes the country the account operates out of to our CRM. 
  • Company country code: This field will send the abbreviated country name that the company operates out of to the CRM. e.g. an account operating in the United States would have the country code 'US' pushed. 
  • User email: This field will populate the Amplemarket user who reached out to a lead at a specific company to the CRM. 
  • Salesforce User: This field is very similar to "user email" in the sense that it pushes information about the user who initially connects with the company. The difference between these two fields is that Salesforce user is pushed by a unique Salesforce ID and cannot be changed while the user email can be edited in the future. This field is not applicable to those using CRM's other than Salesforce. 
  • Sender First Name: Populates the first name of the Amplemarket user who reached out to the account or the company. 
  • Sender Last Name: Populates the last name of the Amplemarket user who reached out to the company or account. 
  • Sender Phone number: Populates the phone number of the Amplemarket user who reached out to the company or account. 
  • Sender calendar link: populates the calendar link of the Amplemarket user who reached out to the company or account. 
  • Website (company_domain): For existing pushes, it will not be filled automatically to avoid complications but for new pushes the field will be automatically filled with the company Website


If you have any other questions regarding Amplemarket's CRM field mappings, please reach out to

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