How to Set Up Holiday Scheduling

Awni Shamah
Awni Shamah
  • Updated

To ensure your Sequences efforts respect holidays, Amplemarket offers a "Holiday Scheduling" feature. This functionality allows admins and individual users to control automated activity during designated holidays.

What Does Holiday Scheduling Do?

  • Supported Holidays:

    • US Holidays: Labor Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving
    • Global Holidays: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day
  • Additional Notes:

    • To skip sending messages on holidays beyond those supported, you will need to manually pause the sequence.
    • Sending will be skipped based on the lead's or user’s timezone, as defined in the sequence settings. For example, if the sequence sending is based on the lead's timezone and there is a US holiday, only sending for leads in US time zones (e.g., EST, CST, MST, PST) will be skipped.

  • Actions Affected:

    • Automated actions (emails and LinkedIn actions) and manual tasks (calls, LinkedIn tasks, etc.) originally scheduled for a holiday are postponed to the next day if it falls within the configured delivery schedule.
    • If a manual task is executed on a holiday (e.g., making a call), it will proceed as expected since the user chose to perform the action on that day.

Example: An email scheduled for New Year’s Day will be sent on January 2nd instead, provided January 2nd falls within the configured delivery schedule.

Admin-Level Settings

Admins can configure holiday scheduling for the entire organization.

  1. Access Admin Settings:

    • Navigate to Settings > Safety.
    • Locate the Holiday Scheduling toggle.
  2. Enable Holiday Scheduling:

    • The toggle is disabled by default.
    • Once enabled, holiday scheduling applies to all users in the organization. Individual users cannot override this setting.

Note: Remember to click Save after enabling the toggle; otherwise, the changes won’t be saved and the holiday scheduling setting won’t be applied.

User-Level Settings

If the admin has not enabled organization-wide holiday scheduling, individual users can control this setting for their own account.

  1. Access User Settings:

    • Go to Delivery Schedule under your account settings.
    • Locate the Holiday Scheduling toggle.
  2. Enable or Disable Holiday Scheduling:

    • Toggle it on or off based on your preference.
    • If the admin has enabled this setting, your toggle will display as locked.

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