Filters: Multiple conditions within your search

Amplemarket Team
Amplemarket Team
  • Updated

The searcher allows you to filter leads and companies based on several criteria, such as job titles, seniority, location, company size etc... You can combine multiple search conditions to find new leads and companies that are as close to your ideal customer profile as possible. Here are a few examples on how to best leverage multiple search conditions:


Example 1: Multiple keywords in the same category


Result: Companies based in San Francisco OR New York


In the example below you can see how you can leverage multiple company locations. We are looking for companies whose headquarters are based in San Francisco OR New York.


Example 2: Multiple keywords in different categories


Result: Companies in the Accounting industry AND located in San Francisco


You can also select different search categories at the same time. In the example below, the searcher will show leads whose companies are in the Accounting industry AND located in San Francisco.


Example 3: Exclusion parameters


Result: Companies in the Accounting industry AND based in the United States EXCLUDING the ones located in San Francisco area


Another option you have to filter your data is to exclude leads and companies based on specific criteria. In this case, the searcher is showing leads whose companies are in the Accounting industry AND located in the United States excluding all the companies that are based in San Francisco.


You can access this feature by clicking on the drop down arrow to view β€œmore”.


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