In this article, you can find a guide on how to use Lists on your Amplemarket dashboard. This feature allows you to upload leads from different sources and even enrich those leads with the necessary information if the file is incomplete.
1. Go to 'Lists'
Access your Lead Lists by hovering over the magnifying glass in the left sidebar and click on the 'Lists' section in the menu.
2. Click on 'Upload List from CSV' on the top right corner
To upload leads to a new List, you can click on the 'Upload List form CSV' button on the top right corner of the Lists section in your Amplemarket Dashboard.
3. Specify the details
Amplemarket will ask you to fill in a few details about the file you wish to upload:
- The name for your new List (Ex: Companies hiring in August 2020 - CA and NY)
- The tag for your new customer profile (optional)
- Select your desired file type
- Choose if you want to enrich the leads on your CSV with Amplemarket data
- Choose if you wish to verify if the emails on your CSV are 100% valid
In the dropdown field that allows you to select the file type, you can select the information you are uploading to Amplemarket.
The "File information" on the right side of the page will give you information about which columns your CSV needs to contain to be able to upload the file.
4. Upload your CSV
Select the CSV containing the leads you wish to upload.
Upload my data without using credits
When choosing the option "List of Email Addresses" you have the option to upload data without having to use any of your credits.
If you don't want to use credits just make sure to uncheck:
- Email Validation
- Enrichment
If you do not check these then you can upload your own data into Amplemarket without using any credits.
All set!
Finally, click on the create button in the bottom right corner and Amplemarket will create a customer profile that you can access on your 'Lists' page.
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